“Oh,yes!―he was to come there with Wickham,you know.But gracious me!I quite forgot!I ought not to have said a word about it.I promised them so faithfully!What will Wickham say?It was to be such a secret!”

“If it was to be secret,”said Jane,“say not another word on the subject.You may depend upon my seeking no further.”

“No really,”replied Elizabeth;“I think there cannot be too little said on the subject.”

“You may readily comprehend,”she added,“what my curiosity must be to know how a person unconnected with any of us,and (comparatively speaking) a stranger to our family, should have been amongst you at such a time.Pray write instantly,and let me understand it―unless it is, for very cogent reasons, to remain in the secrecy which Lydia seems to think necessary;and then I must endeavour to be satisfied with ignorance.”

推荐阅读: 厉先生,情难自禁!     蜜枕甜妻:老公,求抱抱!     穿成炮灰他妈     新婚告急,老婆不要跑     我的美女杀手老婆     夜夜承欢:嫡女侧妃很倾城     重生将门悍妃     魔附之末世驱魔少年     寂寞空庭春欲晚     无限妖灵降世     剑无缺     道袍    