“He could be still amiable,still pleasing,to my uncle and aunt, when he was in town; and why not to me? If he fears me, why come hither? If he no longer cares for me, why silent?Teasing, teasing,man!I will think no more about him.”

Elizabeth, with a triumphant sensation, looked towards his friend. He bore it with noble indifference, and she would have imagined that Bingley had received his sanction to be happy,had she not seen his eyes likewise turned towards Mr.Darcy,with an expression of half-laughing alarm.

推荐阅读: 小娇妻怼天怼地怼霸总     星灿大明宫     婚宠无度:总裁大人是妻奴     杀手萌妻要逆天:总裁快接驾     阴魂杂货铺     夜城侠影     日本捉妖师     重生之科技主宰     傲娇男神,撩宠不休!     染指缠绵,首席上司在隔壁     成器     道魔鏖烽    