“My dear Jane,make haste and hurry down.He is come―Mr. Bingley is come. He is, indeed. Make haste, make haste. Here, Sarah,come to Miss Bennet this moment,and help her on with her gown.Never mind Miss Lizzy's hair.”

“We will be down as soon as we can,”said Jane;“but I dare say Kitty is forwarder than either of us,for she went upstairs half an hour ago.”

“Nothing child,nothing.I did not wink at you.”She then sat still five minutes longer; but unable to waste such a precious occasion,she suddenly got up,and saying to Kitty,“Come here, my love,I want to speak to you,”took her out of the room.Jane instantly gave a look at Elizabeth which spoke her distress at such premeditation,and her entreaty that she would not give in to it. In a few minutes,Mrs.Bennet half-opened the door and called out:

He came,and in such very good time that the ladies were none of them dressed.In ran Mrs.Bennet to her daughter's room,in her dressing gown,and with her hair half finished,crying out:

Elizabeth was forced to go.

Jane could have no reserves from Elizabeth,where confidence would give pleasure;and instantly embracing her,acknowledged, with the liveliest emotion,that she was the happiest creature in the world.

推荐阅读: 家父秦始皇     凤血江山     婚宠倒计时:前夫,夜夜见     我的都市修行路     绝世小神医2     楚歌嘹亮     (快穿)宋妧     水浒传     本宫非纯良     万界超神快递     神话重启     我和琴女谈恋爱    