She had instinctively turned away;but stopping on his approach, received his compliments with an embarrassment impossible to be overcome. Had his first appearance, or his resemblance to the picture they had just been examining, been insufficient to assure the other two that they now saw Mr.Darcy,the gardener's expression of surprise,on beholding his master,must immediately have told it.They stood a little aloof while he was talking to their niece,who,astonished and confused,scarcely dared lift her eyes to his face, and knew not what answer she returned to his civil inquiries after her family.Amazed at the alteration of his manner since they last parted,every sentence that he uttered was increasing her embarrassment;and every idea of the impropriety of her being found there recurring to her mind,the few minutes in which they continued were some of the most uncomfortable in her life.Nor did he seem much more at ease;when he spoke, his accent had none of its usual sedateness;and he repeated his inquiries as to the time of her having left Longbourn,and of her staying in Derbyshire,so often,and in so hurried a way,as plainly spoke the distraction of his thoughts.

At length every idea seemed to fail him; and, after standing a few moments without saying a word, he suddenly recollected himself,and took leave.

推荐阅读: 薄情总裁     书中自有颜如聿     1胎2宝:墨少,别贪睡     超级至尊兵王     僵尸警察     通灵法医:男神,请自重     库洛牌拯救世界[综]     女神的妖孽狂兵     等你来爱我     报告老婆大人     爱情以南,情深以北     大唐:我才八岁啊,让我当大将军?    