now i’m all gone

&;#49552;&;#50640; &;#45347;&;#50612;&;#51500;&;#51020; &;#51339;&;#44192;&;#50612;

my baby, baby, baby nooo

&;#51200; &;#50724;&;#47480;&;#51901; &;#54648;&;#46308;&;#48372;&;#45796;&;#46020; &;#48516;&;#47749;&;#55176; i’m so sure

&;#46160;&;#44540; &;#46160;&;#44540;&;#44144;&;#47140; &;#48164;&;#50644; &;#51104;&;#46020; &;#47803; &;#51060;&;#47336;&;#51424;

cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking

&;#45823;&;#51012;&;#49688;&;#44032; &;#50630;&;#50612;

my baby, baby, baby nooo

&;#48731;&;#51060; &;#48152;&;#51677;&;#51060;&;#51648;&;#47564;

&;#54620;&;#48264;&;#46020; &;#48376; &;#51201; &;#50630;&;#45716;&;#44152; &;#48372;&;#50668;&;#51460;&;#44172;

oh! oh! lets go!

and you’ll shake me til’ you wake me from this bad dream

#已樊篱# gee gee gee gee gee

you know you love me i know you care

so theres another one, looks right in my eyes

oh #已樊篱#

#已樊篱# girl

#已樊篱# oh oh oh oh oh

&;#48731;&;#51060; &;#48152;&;#51677;&;#51060;&;#51648;&;#47564;

推荐阅读: 魔兽领主     三界杀神     血染大秦     地狱归来,出世即无敌!     三国第一纨绔     十周年之最后的问候     科技霸权     谁动了我的听诊器     天生为王     他与她的攻略游戏     我真不想造反啊     人在非洲之加纳淘金    