“hello, m, i'm nanxi。(译: 你好,威廉教员,我是南希,薇拓的外文名。)”薇恬现在打给她的班主任威廉。

“no thanks, bye bye, i have things to do。(不消谢,拜拜,我另有事。)”

“oh。 nan xi! what's up?(译:哦!南夕啊!有甚么事吗?)”


“oh, well, now that you have decided, that i have not what can stop you。 nanxi, teachers hope that you can continue your achieveese don't give up halfway, but do not live up to u。 i'll help you do the thing you said, it just takes a little time, you're not in a hurry?(哦,那好吧,既然你已经决定了,那我也没甚么能够阻扰你的。南溪,教员但愿你能够在中国持续你的成绩,不要半途而废,更不要孤负我对你的希冀。你说的那件事我会去帮你办的,不过需求一点时候,你不急吧?)”对方谈了口气,不过还是很直率的。


“this。。。 nanxi, do you really want to return to school? the teacher is very good for you, if you continue to read here, the future will be promising。 do you really think so?(这个…南溪,你真的要返国就读吗?教员非常看好你,如果你持续在这里读,前程必然会很有但愿的。你真的考虑好了吗?)”对方的语气有点焦急了。

“i want to ask for your help, i want to put adian student to o, i want to stay with my parents。 the teacher, can you help me?(我是想请你帮手,我想把我的加拿大学籍给迁到中国来,我想陪在我的父母身边。教员,你能够帮我吗?)”薇恬也是非常的有规矩,因为她也非常尊敬这位教员,要不是他在加拿大帮忙薇恬,薇恬的外洋糊口必然回是困难重重的。

“i'm very sorry to bother you, i want to help you。(非常抱愧打搅到你,我是想找你帮点忙。) ”

推荐阅读: 曾经,我想做个好人     大周皇族     诸天时空行     绝地求生之电竞巅峰     我的都市修行路     和日韩妹子们荒岛求生的日子     龙霸九霄天     推掉那座塔     神之匙     诛仙・青云志     我的极品女上司3     我二婚,你介不介意    