首页 > 小王子 > 第二章



But it was rejected too, just like the others. "This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time."By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart. So I tossed off this drawing.




That, however, is not my fault. The grown-ups discouraged me in my painter’s career when I was six years old, and I never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and boas from the inside.



He looked at it carefully, then he said: "No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another."So I made another drawing.

I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck. I blinked my eyes hard. I looked carefully all around me. And I saw a most extraordinary small person, who stood there examining me with great seriousness. Here you may see the best potrait that, later, I was able to make of him. But my drawing is certainly very much less charming than its model.

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