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And God blessed thend nd fill the waters in the seas, a fowl multiply in the earth.
And God called the dry lah; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
1:15 并要发光在天空,普照在地上。事就如许成了。
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
这幅奇妙的圣女像出自何人之手,它又为何有如此动感及魅力呢?西班牙考古学家沙亚雷斯传授颠末当真考核,发明这幅圣女像创作于16世纪30年代,出自印第安人之手。美国拍照艺术家拉得里曼对圣女像做了详细的录相,他诧异地发明 :在她的眼中有奇特的人影。别的一名画家卡洛斯在对这幅圣女像做当真临摹时, 他用放大镜细心察看,也发明了眼中的怪人影。 这一发明轰动了各国的科学家们,一些外科大夫、五官科专家以及汗青学家均来研讨这幅圣女像。约有20多位专家来到格德罗普大教堂,他们用150倍的显微镜细心察看,证明圣女像的眼睛中确切有人影。并且能辨认出,是一名白发苍苍的印第安白叟,他用右手捋着胡子,从他的神情上看,他像是在思虑着甚么题目。 但圣女像眼神收回的光芒又从何而来呢?科学家们如何才气从中寻觅出答案?人们对几百年前印第安人的绘画技能深感赞叹,以为这是当前绘画艺术家们望尘莫及的 。他们是如何把人眼画活,并且做到画中有画,这一点更引发了人们的存眷。
And God said, Let the earth bring frass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.