"My cold is not so bad as all that... the cool night air will do me good. I am a flower.""But the animals―"
"Of course I love you," the flower said to him. "It is my fault that you have not known it all the while. That is of no importance. But you― you have been just as foolish as I. Try to be happy... let the glass globe be. I don’t want it any more.""But the wind―"
"Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies. It seems that they are very beautiful. And if not the butterflies― and the caterpillars― who will call upon me You will be far away... as for the large animals― I am not at all afraid of any of them. I have my claws."And, navely, she showed her four thorns. Then she added:"Don’t linger like this. You have decided to go away. Now go!"For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower...