首页 > 小王子 > 第十章



"I have nothing more to do here," he said to the king. "So I shall set out on my way again.""Do not go," said the king, who was very proud of having a subject. "Do not go. I will make you a Minister!""Minister of what"




"Sire― over what do you rule""Over everything," said the king, with magnificent simplicity.


"Over all that," the king answered.




"Hum! Hum!" said the king. "I have good reason to believe that somewhere on my planet there is an old rat. I hear him at night. You can judge this old rat. From time to time you will condemn him to death. Thus his life will depend on your justice. But you will pardon him on each occasion; for he must be treated thriftily. He is the only one we have.""I," replied the little prince, "do not like to condemn anyone to death. And now I think I will go on my way.""No," said the king.

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